One more successful mission for SanteHaiti and its partners
After its participation to the 10th annual medical mission with SanteHaiti and SoudeHaiti in May 2018, the nonprofit organization Kick for Christ was once again in Haiti to help the population of Fond Poux, area that is located in the 3rd section of Jean Rabel.
A delegation from the United States of America composed of Dr. Jonathan Philippe, the C.E.O of SanteHaiti; Leo Gibson and Worteh Sampson, 2 founding members of Kick for Christ; Dr. Brande Brown, Moe Dualu and Abigail Birkner conducted a soccer clinic for the population September 23, 2018 where they distributed multiple soccer gears and other items. More than 100 families received sanitary kits, clothes, bag pack, soccer balls, soccer shoes and soccer uniforms.
The 3 NGOs say thank you to the people and institutions that contributed to make this mission a success. However, it is important to notice that the population of Fond Poux is facing a lot of challenges and the resources to help them are very limited. SanteHaiti, SoudeHaiti and Kick for Christ count on the financial support of everyone to continue to reach out to that community.